Monday, May 24, 2010

Ganster Related

They roam the night, they're not afraid.
Their weapons are simple, and nature made.
They do what they want, as they chill in their crib.
The gang's known as, the kitty cat kids.
They don't wear collars, it's how they roll.
When there's no litter, they dig a hole.
They're fierce little creatures, when they stalk their prey.
They're up till dawn, and they sleep all day.
They take no crap, cause kitties got class.
But when you're not looking, they puke up grass.
They're really tough kids, and it aint too pretty.
When thery're roughin up, a cute little birdie.
They climb tall trees, or hang in the sun.
And chasin bugs, is a lot more fun.
They like to cuddle, but we won't tell.
Cause the kitty cat kids, are cool as hell.